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シリーズ:新しい旅路|New Journey

2019.12.01 - 2019.12.22


The Gospel of Matthew gives the Israelites such a great reminder of who they are and the promise that God gave to their fathers a long time ago. Jesus the Son of God is the fullfillment of that promise, and not only that, He is the Savior for all people on the earth who invites them to the new journey of their lives.


マタイの福音書 1:18-25「共にいる神 」by 青柳聖真
Matthew 1:18-25 "God Who Is With Us" by Seima Aoyagi


マタイの福音書 2:13-23「苦しみの中の希望」by 青柳聖真
Matthew 2:13-23 "Hope In The Suffering" by Seima Aoyagi


マタイの福音書 2:1-15「王の誕生」by 青柳聖真
Matthew 2:1-15 "The King's Birth" by Seima Aoyagi


ルカの福音書 2:22-40「約束をちゃんと守る天のお父さん」(シリーズ外) by 植木象平
Luke 2:22-40 "The Promise - Keeping Father In Heaven" by Shohei Ueki

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